How Old Should My Child Be To Get Their First Eye Exam? How Often Should I Bring Them?

  • DeSouza Optometry

Categories: Eye Clinic Eye Doctor Optometrist

Blog by DeSouza Optometry

It’s no secret that regular eye exams are important for good vision and overall health. But when it comes to our kids, how old should they be before getting their first exam? And how often do they need to come in for an eye exam? These are questions every parent should be asking themselves. As experts in the field, we at DeSouza Optometry want to help you answer these questions. Let’s dive into the details of pediatric eye exams.

In Ontario, annual eye examinations are covered every year for children aged 0 to 19, for those with a valid health card. It is recommended that children get at least one eye exam from as young as 6 to 12 months. While this exam won’t be similar to an adult exam, there is still a ton of value to getting an eye exam within the first year. Pupil function, eye movement, and general anterior and posterior health will be checked.

In addition, while subjective measures won’t be used, the doctor can still use objective measures to find out an infant’s prescription to see if glasses are necessary.

From ages 2 to 5, the Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends patients have at least one eye exam. At this age, the doctor can use symbols to gather subjective measures and information about the patient’s vision. The doctor will have symbols, pictures, and of course, letters to help gather a patient’s visual acuity. Things like depth perception, peripheral vision, and focusing ability will also be assessed in addition to the patient’s prescription and ocular health.

The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends patients get an eye exam once per year from ages 6 to 19. During these years, our eyes grow and develop the most. This is also the age range where we start to complete visual tasks such as learning to read, reading to learn, playing sports, moving through space, learning to drive, etc. As a result, checking on your eye health is vital. It is essential for children of all ages and stages of development so they can enjoy clear vision throughout their lives.

If you are looking for an eye care clinic in North York, Toronto, reach out to us at DeSouza Optometry. We offer comprehensive eye and contact lens exams, eye disease treatment, lens fitting, eye care products, and more! We have clients visiting us from North York, Etobicoke, Scarborough, Toronto, Vaughan, Richmond Hill, Markham, Thornhill, and the Greater Toronto Area.

Get in touch with us today!

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